Real Estate Video Tacoma
As people spend more time on social media than ever before, real estate video has gained in popularity. Editing is getting cheaper and easier. I think it is best to hire a videographer for listing videos, but there are applications for video that go beyond property videos, such as agent bios, video for blog posts, instruction videos to help potential buyers and sellers, neighborhood videos and much more. Good DSLR equipment still costs big money but there are many agents doing their own videos with a smartphone – and getting pretty good quality to
“Getting value out of video comes down to how you promote it.”
Making a video is one thing. However, getting value out of that video comes down to how you promote it. I don’t go into tremendous detail in Tip #12. There is a lot you can do to be proactive. You can target specific groups of people with social media ad buys, depending on who you think the likely buyer is for that house. You should be prepared to adjust course depending upon the results of the campaign. Who is viewing the video? Who is sharing or commenting and what are they saying specifically? You might think the home is right for one demographic only to discover the interaction is coming from somewhere else entirely. It is possible you were highlighting the wrong “unique selling feature”. At this point it is good to make a course correction with a modified campaign. You might change your target audience, or your message, or both. Heck, you might even send the video back to editing.
Video of Five Views Home – Tacoma